With the coronavirus arriving on the scene and colleges making the difficult decision to keep students away from campus, it has created an interesting challenge, particularly for students who have executive function challenges. Heading back home to their parents’ house and being, (for the most part) isolated will make learning much more difficult. This type of change puts much more demand on each student to be disciplined and organized with their learning. Here are a few important areas for students to focus on:
Calendar and Structure: In-person classes are being replaced with video lectures. This removes the need to walk across campus, meet up with a friend, or simply, get going. If at their parents’ house, which I assume most will be, college students need to create a structure schedule to follow. This is important for many reasons, the most of which is to not fall behind. Typically, a student may be in class anywhere from 2-5 hours in a day. That means, they may have that much time in video lectures to watch. Falling behind by only a couple days will create a mountain of time to get caught back up.
Sleep and Exercise: Most college students have a routine. They have to wake up at certain times to get to class, and most workout at least a couple times each week. When they are back home, the need to wake up and be moving around is eliminated. It is important for students to keep a fairly structured sleep schedule and continue to wake up early and start work in the morning. The closer they can keep their weekly sleep and exercise routine to what they had on campus, the better.
Study Environment- Students will be spending a lot of time with their computer and books. Now that they’re back at the parents house, they need to make sure they create a workspace that will let them be productive and effective. They need multiple places in the home where they can get hours of work done at a time. This will be much more challenging because they won’t be in the comfort of their schedule and their stops at the library or study centers.
The rest of this semester will be challenging for students. They are being thrown a curveball, and it will be up to them to adjust and adapt in order to maintain a successful semester. One of the biggest challenges is the isolation. Our coaches are ready to work with students on a weekly basis to make sure they are putting themselves on the path to success. Check out our tips on how to maximize remote learning here.
If you’re interested in getting an academic coach for your student to work with through this turbulent time, send us an email at info@statestreeteducation.com.