For many students, getting started on a given task is the single hardest part of getting school work done. Supporting students who struggle with task initiation isn’t as simple as saying, “Just sit down and do it!” Students might feel overwhelming anxiety about beginning an assignment because they don’t know where to start or they are already imagining how difficult it will be, how much time it will take up, etc. Similarly, they might be distracted by the myriad of other activities that are available to them – their phone, chatting with a roommate, or completing work that is less challenging leaving them to put off important assignments. You get the picture.
State Street Education coaches work with students to help them understand and build an Initiation Infrastructure that takes away much of the decision making involved in getting started on a task, leaving students with a plan of attack for assignments they might otherwise be dreading.
What is Initiation Infrastructure?
Initiation Infrastructure is the planning out of all the details associated with a given task. Designing your Initiation Infrastructure will increase the likelihood that you get started!
Step 1
Students should design their ideal work environment by considering the questions below. Then, they should make plans to set up a space that will help them be the most engaged and productive.
- Where and when are you most productive?
- Where and when are you most distractible?
- What helps you stay on task?
- What are your biggest distractions?
Step 2
Students should make a to-do list by breaking down the work they need to complete into specific, manageable tasks. To do this, they might want to start by reviewing the rubric or project overview and identifying all the steps they need to complete in order to finish a given assignment.
Step 3
Students should try the Pomodoro Method! Not only is it important to break down assignments into specific tasks but, it is important to break down time itself! You can read more about how the Pomodoro Method helps students do just that here.