Our Top 4 Time Management and Organizational Apps

A common refrain of State Street coaches is “You have to write stuff down!” It is impossible to keep all of the moving parts of a college schedule in your head. Below you will find our list of the top four apps and tools for managing your schedule and to-do lists. 

1. Google Keep + Google Calendar

Google Keep is a collection of digital “notepads” that you can access via the Google Keep app on your device or you can open it up alongside your Google Calendar. It is incredibly easy to use! You can choose if you want to “take a note” or “make a list”. If you create a list, Google Keep will use checkboxes that you can click to cross an item off the list. We love this Google pairing because it is helpful to see your Google Calendar with upcoming commitments and deadlines while making your to-do lists. 

  • Free
  • Syncs with your Google Account across devices
  • Straightforward and easy to use
Image: Google Keep open in Google Calendar

2. Todoist

Todoist is more complex than Google Keep. The app lets you add a task, break it into subtasks, move tasks into projects, share your projects, set up reminders (pro version), make comments, and complete tasks. You can also filter and sort. It is a great option for creating detailed to-do lists and the reminder option available to pro version users is a super helpful integration. 

  • Free version available 
  • $4 per month for the “Pro” version (billed annually)
  • Syncs across devices 
  • Allows users to create “projects” and comment on shared lists
Image: https://todoist.com/

3. Evernote

Our favorite Evernote feature is the ability to attach PDFs, image files, and other documents to your notes. Snap a photo of your professor’s notes on the board and then add the picture to your personal notes for easy access! Like the Todoist, Evernote lets you filter and sort which can come in handy when you are searching through multiple notes. 

  • Free version available 
  • $10.83 per month for the “Personal” version (billed annually) 
  • Syncs across devices 
  • Users can attach PDFs, image files, and other documents
  • Paid version allows user to create up to 1,000 “notebooks”
Image: https://evernote.com/

4. A Wall Candar

You heard us right. And no, we don’t mean there is an app called “Wall Calendar”. There is value in having your deadlines and important events noted somewhere off-line. Even if you keep a detailed digital calendar, a physical calendar allows you to see your schedule without having to engage with your phone or computer first. It is direct and ever present. Research supports that physically writing things down increases the odds that you will remember what you are writing and we support the idea that a cute wall calendar will enliven your dorm room. 

  • All of your upcoming appointments, events, and deadlines in one place
  • Allows you to step away from your devices and still know what is going on 
  • Fun designs and themes!
Image: www.thecut.com/

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